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The information provided in this section details the standard/primary basic techniques and stances practiced as part of the Han Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do art form.  These basic techniques are not the end to the style, but the foundation to basic principles and concepts that can be leveraged and expanded upon.  Additional techniques (extensions to the basics) that are practiced in the various Hyung are also described below.  A few other techniques not seen in either the basics or in the Hyung but taught from time to time are listed as well.  This material is meant to serve as reference material, not a training guide, and is not meant to take the place of direct instruction from a qualified teacher. 



Stances provide a means of practicing proper posture, body alignment, body shifting, and breathing.  Without a solid stance, the techniques lack sufficient force and energy.  A solid stance is the key to all effective techniques.  Each stance has its own advantages or disadvantages and each should be practiced to discover and learn the best use of each for each circumstance.

The Han Moo Kwan Association Tae Kwon Do art form employs eight basic stances practiced and demonstrated in its basics and lower level hyung:  Ready Stance, Horse Stance, Attack Stance, Cat Stance, Fighting Cat Stance, Attention Stance, Closed Stance, and Natural Stance. 

Three additional stances are introduced in the advanced hyung: Sweeping Attack Stance, Elongated Attack Stance, and Cross Step.


Attention Stance

Horse Stance

Fighting Cat Stance

Sweeping Attack Stance

Ready Stance

Attack Stance

Closed Stance

Elongated Attack Stance


Cat Stance

Natural Stance

Cross Step



Primary Basics:
The Han Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do art form teaches 17 primary basic techniques of different strikes, blocks, and kicks.  These basic techniques (with the exception of High Kick) are expected to be demonstrated for promotional tests.  These basics techniques will evolve over time as students progress.  The basic mechanics will stay the same, while some adjustments of those mechanics will be introduced as the students progress in balance, flexibility, focus, and general skill.  In addition, as students improve their mechanics, they will be asked to demonstrate the techniques with force and then, at a more advanced level, with energy. 

The growth of a martial artist is a journey to improve oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually by always keeping an open mind and always striving to improve.  This progression of both learning and adjusting the techniques is a natural progression of a martial artist.


Forward Punch

Low Block

Spear Hand

Cat Stance Attack

Side Kick

Jump Side Kick

Double Punch

Medium Block

Knife Hand

High Kick

Turnaway Kick

Jump Turnaway Kick

Attack Punch

High Block

Side Medium Block

Front Kick

Jump Front Kick



Extensions To The Basics:

The extensions to basics are variations of the basic/primary techniques.  These are demonstrated and practiced in various Hyung, self-defense, and free sparring.  As with the primary basics, most of these techniques can be thrown in multiple directions and from different stances. 


Rising Block

Straight Punch


Palm Strike

Knee Strike

Stamping Side Kick

Vertical Crescent Kick

Double Break Block

Upper Punch

Hammer Fist

Hook Punch

Shoulder Strike

Back Kick

Roundhouse Kick

X Block

Knuckle Punch

Ridge Hand

Elbow Strike


Crescent Kick

Spin Kick




References used to develop the material on the Han Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do basics provided on this website include:

  1. Han Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do Association Basics Archive Video

  2. Han Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do Association Hyung Archive Video

  3. Korean Karate Free Fighting Techniques, Sihak Henry Cho, 1968

  4. Karate-Do Kyohan, The Master Text by Gichin Funakoshi

  5. The Essence of Okinawan Karate-Do: (Shorin-Ryu) by Shoshin Nagamine 

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